Tissue Fillers
Cosmetic dermal fillers have revolutionized the field of non-invasive facial rejuvenation. These fillers are injected underneath the skin to provide volume to the areas that need it.
Dermal fillers are great for:
Filling lines and wrinkles
Lip augmentation
Eyelid lift
Cheek augmentation
Correcting tear troughs (depressions under the eyes that cause dark circles, bags, under the eyes, and sunken appearing eyes)
Fixing a down-turned mouth
Filling in hollowed temples and cheeks
Contouring pre-jowl sulcus
Filling scars
“Liquid Face Lift”
There are numerous tissue fillers available on the market today. At The Bellevue Laser & Cosmetic Center, we use Juvederm Ultra Plus XC, and Juvederm Voluma XC , These fillers are made of hyaluronic acid, are extremely safe and do not require allergy testing. Juvederm Ultra XC and Juvederm Ultra Plus XC last 6-12 months. Juvederm Voluma XC is specifically designed for lifting and sculpting the cheeks and lasts for 2 years! During your consultation, our providers will help you decide which filler is best for you. The exciting news is that dermal fillers will stimulate production of your body’s own collagen that may lead to permanent increased fullness. Our providers have noticed that many of her patients show continued improvement of their wrinkles or lips way beyond the time when the filler should have worn off!
At The Bellevue Laser & Cosmetic Center, all of the fillers are injected personally by Dr. Chiu or Dr. Linnell. She has over 15 years experience in cosmetic injectables and has a special love for tissue fillers: “It’s just like sculpting…there’s definitely an art to it. I love the immediacy of the results and the reaction I get from my patients when they look in the mirror right after their treatment.”
Fixing Deep Dark Circles Under the Eyes,Using Dermal Fillers and Cannula Injection
*Our providers are no longer using Belotero for tear troughs. They are currently using Juvederm Ultra XC diluted with saline because it lasts longer.

One syringe of Juvederm Ultra XC and two syringes of Belotero injected into tear troughs
Fixing Frown Lines